Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It is possible to recover the Document CAL License?

 User deleted the QlikView Document, for which the licenses were allocated. and also "Actually we forgot the Document Name"

1)Stop the QlikView Server service.
2)Add PgoAsXmlAlso=1 under [Settings 7] in the Settings.ini file located in %ProgramData%\QlikTech\QlikViewServer (default location)
3)Restart the QlikView Server service
4)Navigate to Root Directory and Open the CalData.pgo.xml file to determine to which document the
CALs were assigned
5) Create a new blank QVW file named the same as document listed in CalData.pgo.xml & save it in
the Root directory
6) In Management Console, navigate to Documents > User Documents and locate QWV created in the
previous step
7) Click Document CALs tab and set Number of CALs allocated to this Document to zero and click

Thanks to QlikView Community posts